Legal and administrative assistance abroad

Do you run an online shop and plan to expand abroad? In this case, it is desirable to offer customers the option to pay into a local bank account in the local currency and to ensure that the business terms and conditions are in accordance with the laws of the country. It is very likely that the establishment of a collection point or a local branch will have to follow in time. We are available to help with all of these matters.

It is necessary to be well versed in the local customs, laws, rules and regulations and, at the same time, to have good contacts with local lawyers, tax advisors and court translators. Without them on board, administrative acts in a given country can turn into a lengthy, daunting and expensive affair. Put these matters in the hands of our experts, who are comfortable in this environment and will handle things on your behalf. We will make sure that your expansion abroad is not hampered by any administrative or bureaucratic matters.

Careful choice of a foreign domain for your online store

We recommend operating an online shop abroad using a suitably chosen local domain. Our native speakers of the given language will help you choose a suitable domain, recommend functional variants, test the availability of domains with a local suffix and, at the same time, point out any negative connotations.

Opening a bank account abroad

The option to pay in local currency into a local account is essential for successful entry into any foreign market. The conditions for opening an account vary from country to country. Every country, and even every bank, has its own requirements and internal guidelines. This means that they need to be approached individually. Go to the FAQ page for detailed instructions on opening a bank account abroad.

The benefits of opening an account abroad:

  • customers given the option to pay in local currency and interact with a bank familiar to them
  • more trustworthy appearance
  • savings on bank charges for international transfers
  • competitive advantage over sellers who force their customers to pay internationally
  • increased visit/order conversion rate

Modification of general business terms and conditions

Our specialists will adjust your current business terms and conditions to meet the legal obligations in the country in question. Germany has the strictest requirements for online shops. In addition to business terms and conditions, it is also necessary to create an Impressum or Widerrufsbelehrung (instructions for withdrawing from the contract of sale).

Establishment of a foreign company and VAT registration

If you are planning to expand your online store abroad, we recommend considering setting up a local company. This will make it easier for you to register for a variety of services in the country, saving you a lot of worries in the future.

You usually have to register for VAT abroad after turnover exceeds a certain limit. In the past, it was necessary to register in each country separately. Fortunately, this is a thing of the past. As of 1 July 2021, there has been a significant simplification in the reporting and payment of VAT. The new One‑Stop Shop (OSS) scheme facilitates the administration of VAT, especially for online retailers who sell goods to the final consumer (non‑entrepreneur) within the EU. For more information on the OSS scheme, see the article ‘One‑Stop Shop (OSS) scheme makes the life of online shops easier’ on our blog.



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NK Expand | Pomáháme expandovat do zahraničí

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